Always Welcome Video Campaign
The Situation
In 2017, President Trump enacted a travel ban against seven Muslim countries, sparking protests in the US and outrage around the world. While the Muslim ban was defeated, the damage was already done.
U.S. bound flight searches went down 17%.
The no. of flight searches decreased from 61M to 50M
Flight searches dropped in 94 of 122 countries surveyed
Flight searches to San Francisco have declined the most.
The Solution
To counteract the negative sentiment the Muslim ban was causing, we launched the “Always Welcome” Campaign targeting travelers from Canada, United Kingdom and Mexico with three objectives in mind.
Reach the international visitor with a message that San Francisco is welcoming to all nationalities
Combat and change the negative perceptions created by the travel by the travel ban
Encourage visitation to San Francisco
The Creative
The Results
10 million people reached
3.1 million video views
275,000 engagements
100,000 web visits